Bamboo Species

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Bambusa vulgaris cv. Wamin

Giant Buddha’s Belly

Giant Buddha’s Belly is a spectacular garden feature with smooth green culms that swell between the nodes to produce the impressive Buddha’s belly shape that gives it its name. The long narrow green leaves grow from strong lateral branches that protrude in opposing angles from the sweeping culms.

Whether the centre piece of a garden or planted out along a fence line to create a screen, Giant Buddha’s Belly will not let you down. A diehard variety with an open growth habit, it will withstand drought conditions, which assist in the formation of swollen internodes. Because of the open form it is important to control the outer shoot production if growing in an enclosed environment or close to buildings. Giant Buddha’s Belly will also perform well in a large pot. Its unique timber is popular as a décor item or timber craft. The new shoots are bitter to taste so are popular in some cultures for human consumption.

Typical uses:

Privacy Screening, Windbreak / Noise Barrier, Ornamental, Furniture / Crafts

Bamboo Type


Min Temperature


Typical Height


Average Culm size



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